This puppet is based on Vinnie, one of the original Monsters who auditioned for a part in ‘Where the Wild Things Are. ’ Maurice Sendak rightly or wrongly decided that Vinnie was just not right for the part.
But his story did not end there. Vinnie left acting and took to writing music. Probably one of his most memorable hits was a quaint little piece called ‘Wild Thingaling’. With his ukulele in hand he a criss-crossed the country performing in small hotel bars and venues until he one day he was discovered by Johnny Carson. Shortly after that a young upstart British rock group called the Troggs looking for a hit latched onto ‘Wild Thingaling’ and the song took off, with a cult like following across the globe. The song became the unforgettable ‘Wild Thing.’
What is little known is the rift that grew between Vinnie and the Troggs over their interpretation of the song. He felt that they ‘perverted’ his perky little love song into a rock n’ roll grinder. Never mind that it shot to number one and remained at the top of the hit parade for six straight weeks, Vinnie and the Troggs never reconciled.
Below are Vinnie’s original lyrics.
Oh, Wild Thing a-ding a-ling
You make heart sing a-ling-a-ling
You make everything a-ling
So (gosh darn) groovy be-doo-be-doo
Wild Thing I think I love you
You really move me
I want to know for sure---poo-poo-pee-doo
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