A couple years ago I had somehow gotten it into my head that I should print up some giclee (art) prints. I figured that people would be willing to spend $25, $30, or $40 for an art print of a painting rather than several hundred or even a thousand... dollars for an original. That was the idea. In theory it sounded good. I had done some research and thought I was making a sound decision. The long and the short are that I ended up spending a huge bundle of money. Needless to say, the results were hardly satisfactory. I was so disappointed and frustrated by the way they looked and by the whole mess that I couldn't bear to even look at them. Just seeing the box of them stashed in the corner of my studio reminded of yet another one of my misbegotten artmaking misadventures....until a light bulb went off in my head.
As someone who is committed to recycling, regenerating, and reinventing things it suddenly occurred to me that there might be life in those dead prints of mine after all.
Armed with a pair of scissors I decided to make some major alterations. It meant that I would literally have to cut the prints apart, cutting them into strips. Then weaving them back together they became transformed into something entirely different and quite exciting. Diffused and abstract yet still recognizable and accessible, they reminded me of seeing objects through a distorted panel glass. I now have over forty of them and each one is a slightly different variation of the same theme.
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