Years ago in an effort to camouflage the chaos that defined our somewhat disorganized bookshelves I fashioned some decorative doors that pleased me but annoyed my wife for the very reason that they obscured the books. One day she took it upon herself to remove the doors but only after she reorganized the books. So I was left with the doors that I had originally fashioned from old window frames. I had removed the thin wood strips that I had used to create lattice structures in each window panel and searched for something to fill the spaces. Over the years I had collected remnants of canvas that were too small to stretch but too big to discard. With a little trimming they would fit perfectly into the window panels. I had previously used string to secure works together in my ‘Remnant’ and ‘Walk About’ series and thought I could try the same thing with this new ‘Window’ series using the sum of parts to create a whole. In this case, portraits.