Saturday, September 12, 2009


Originally uploaded by jonathanfranklin65


Originally uploaded by jonathanfranklin65

Your Blues

Originally uploaded by jonathanfranklin65

I knew it change was a coming but I couldn't figure out what it was going to be until I touched the brush to the canvas. Stay tuned.
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I knew it change was a coming but I couldn't figure out what it was going to be until I touched the brush to the canvas. Stay tuned.

House Band

Originally uploaded by jonathanfranklin65

Well, I've been staring this piece down for a couple weeks and finally figured out what was annoying me. I'll leave it up to you to look for the changes: nothing too big but enough to make a difference, at least to me.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Cubist Portrait

Originally uploaded by jonathanfranklin65

This could be the final stage in the evolution of this painting.